15 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

dry onion turkey

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kuru sogan onıons

kuru sogan

Onion Varieties:
Onion varieties, growing techniques and growing by time: Summer bulbs, winter onions can be divided into two groups.
The first group consists of mainly grown in irrigated gardens they are thick meaty, juicy, light-colored, oblong shaped and are flimsy rough. Raw as are absorbed by favorable consumption in salads.
Are also included in the second group they have not watered, they connected with seasonal rains yetinerek head. Usually medium, they are small but tight lumpy in the middle. Round, round, oval in shape are dark, strong odor. Dry materials in the winter because it is more than 10%, rather than rely on the road and wait.
Other onion varieties showing a lot more of these features are also average. For example: Round, flat-shaped, purple-red burn, no more pain, juicy, has a variety of tasty onions (red, sweet onions - onions Tunny) with the name of our country has presented himself as special. Eaten raw would be very welcome.
Onions are usually 2-year plant. First year tuber, seed consists of 2 years. However, some onions is 3 years; 1 year from seed shallots, shallots bump from the second year, 3rd year and the seeds occurs. Production of onion varieties made in our country generally fall into this second class.
Climate Requests:
Onion cultivation temperature and day length are two important factors. Despite the fact that a tolerant vegetables against onion hot, where the climate is cool more efficiently. During this period, the average temperature is 12-13 0C request. Onion, require higher temperatures after the start of head covering. The temperature optimum temperature of 18-20 requests during this period that he had asked in the early stages of maturation of the onion, which rises 23-27 0C 0C. Other climate factors necessary for the development of the length of day meal. Short day varieties in the beginning stages of formation of 8-10, 10-12 mid-day and long-day varieties is whether the length of 13-15 hour days.
Replicated in two way:
1 - with Khan called seeds,
2 - Shallots tested with small shallot,
3 - with seedlings
1) Seed sown onions to be be obtained by:
Seeds of onion, leek seeds is similar to the slightly larger, glossy black, flat corners, interior is more fragrant white. Horticulturists from onion seeds (roe), he is given a special name. Khan before planting, taking a handful of exemplary seeds, germination test should be done, should start planting after understanding the exact way they are robust. Because the onion begins to decrease bayatlayıp seeds germinating power after a short time, such as 1-2 years. In production, plump and heavy water, solid, strong seeds are used. Land is repeatedly driven to plow cleared from weeds. Flats to be in the 120-150 cm made after the board is divided into 5-10 meters in length. Tırmıklanıp board are corrected again, and made ready for planting Khan favorable situation. Danger of severe frost and rime decreases in the region began to warm weather (March to April-May) will begin to seed in the summer. Seed Sowing Time; Type short days, depends on whether the medium time or long day type. Short-day onion varieties most suitable time for sowing; Dates are September 10 to October 10. Mid-day and long-day onion varieties in the seed planting time are January-March. Drills should be used for seeding. When Ellen sputtering with sowing seed rate required per unit area of 1-1.5 kg, while the use of pneumatic drills 350-500 g. Seeding depth should be 1-1.5 cm. October distance, row spacing of 15-20 cm and 5-8 cm should be left row.
Big onions in each region to obtain the roe is not work to be performed by every gardener. To do this, additional rare roe should, Area A (2) must spend grams. Seed strong, well-prepared soil, climatic conditions must be present in soğancılıg of extremely favorable.
As time line sown deer, according to the departure of the air, they begin to germinate in 10-15 days.
Land selected for the production of this work must be suitable shallots, must be treated at 15-20 cm depth before 3-4 months after sowing. Shallot production order is usually 120 cm wide boards are prepared. The distance between the board should be 40 cm. Sowing is done in February-March. Seeds either manually or drawings sprinkled carefully sown. Must be drawn from a distance of 5-6 cm. Dekar required amount of 2-3 kg of seed. Certain extent, and enough wood are prepared. These seeds in late winter, more frequently, 5-10 g square meters. wherein the spreader until they are planted.
Maintenance work is the same as in onion cultivation. But do not go much further dilution, unless you have not made compulsory for irrigation. So is administered until the end of summer. And then the size of the tubers of the board is controlled by taking samples. These examples they generally begin to show up to a size of nuts, leaves and shovel blow to the contrary, roots and leaves relationship deteriorates. Starts yellowing and drying has not been given a mandatory water. This timeless dry, summer further accelerating the impact of hot, plump little onion tubers in the soil thoroughly and gain a hard case. The leaves are completely dry pet rake, spade, hoe with the help of tools such as tubers are brought to light soil. A few days is also provided so that even left to dry in. They are large and small tubers, after separating from the leaves, they frequently passed through a sieve, divided by the slightest aside. The rest will be allocated through a more sparse mesh which usually slightly larger than hazelnuts and hazelnut. The rest, which are more coarse lumps, put them in another place as the third aspect. 5-6 months after planting the seeds are harvested shallots. Harvest time, understandable for the yellowing of the leaves. Harvest, dry air is made and collected and dried shallots are stored in appropriate conditions for 2-3 days. 1-1.5 tons shallots obtained from one hectare area under appropriate conditions.

Be obtained in the manner described above, small onion tuber, if they are given different names in various regions of our country also -Arpa- or similar small sized ones most often (stye) is called. Shallots are really quite shaped and are usually the size of barley 5-6. If the stye has weighed a kilo No. 500-1000 pieces. Prevention of some disagreement between the wholesaler middlemen in the form of purchases and sales by growers, for lack of deception, especially those who work on the onions and shallots, who served as medium (Kiska) they give the name. These round bulging belly, than the nuts are fairly large. There is one 250-500 pounds. Do not cross the 3 rd leavers as sieve size, with no facilities, no doubt because of coarsening are capable of further evolution. Here are the (Cone) is called. Are few tubers than 250 pounds. Which is larger than the cone (Kavurmalık), of which the iris (Head-tuber onion onions) is called. Our country, to be obtained from the tubercle onion seeds varies according to the region to (miss, I pier, Gali, Gabalaya, fissile, gov, etc.) are given in the names.

Above, we briefly explain these three size lump of obtaining the locations used in onion production shows some changes. For example: Go to cultivate onions if purchased Cones, not economic because it is in a small amount of weight. However, if it is desired to obtain early and strong as -Green soğan- used in this tuber size. Because the thesis of this tuber size and yapraklanıp boylanarak forces soon to be released state revenues.

*** FEATURES *** GOOD beads

Shallots in the best feature must be the same size. Large and small, should not be the length of the oval. Tubercle on how to be equivalent to crop up later in the video as it becomes standard. Because çimlenip development after planting, bump bonding, bump the external features would be equally close to each other. Fails in the middle of the round shallots, usually shows a single core. They make one lump. The shallots are shaped long, if not longer the kind, they show dual core. These are attached to each other in two lump distorted in this way they onion onions data basis are not acceptable in the trade surplus. Vegetable round-shaped shallots to the (female), while long way to showing (Male) is called onion. Men onions are huge and they immediately proceeded to stand in the place where they connect properly flower head. Other important features to be considered in the examination also include: Shallots soft not unlike hard to find, palm or fingers tired of this hardness can easily be felt, mold or moisture should smell, crushed, it should not be bruised, colors, must be in accordance with the image of the kind. We get kind of stye, our region is well suited to the climate and the soil, and so we want to give lump in the property, we have determined that it is also necessary previously asked about.
2) be obtained by Shallot onions planted to:

Based on the above ideas and information shallots, onions after obtaining the wedge or cone, you can now order them to be raised as revenue or green onions.

Shallots are usually used for this purpose. Shallot bulbs are so small tubercle. Soil prepared in advance in order to better connect the large head and would also be very convenient to take care of two factors onions agriculture. Therefore, you should choose a medium size onion -kıska- bump in agriculture. They thrive in situations for the sake of easy, good bump bind, efficiency can also be normal.

In our country, green onion cultivation is usually done in all seasons. In other words, our garden is under water, spring, summer, autumn and winter climate conducive breeding is all done. But since the market's willingness to start the winter season where they come across the shallots planted in the fall and to continue to harvest all winter can be rather lucrative. To the onion tuber production in each region, although it varies according to their climatic conditions, usually in the autumn planting is started at the beginning of winter. Develop crops with seasonal rains and harvest the middle of summer is geçilebilin. In our harsh winter months are made of onion cultivation at the end of winter.

Fresh green onion production: There are significant differences between the production of edible onion Green onion production. There are two production material used in the production of green onions. One of them that can not be marketed onion, shallots which the latter are grown up enough to be used as shallots.

Onions grow well in sandy-clay and topsoil. Arable field should be left as a small or mid depth kesekl deported twice in the fall. October season, came through when the disk harrow and rake the soil pan, crumbling with frost in winter precipitation and clods should be leveled and planting should be done. Tillage should be done before short day onions that are suitable for planting in the fall. Onion production of farmyard manure should be given to the previous product. The amount of synthetic fertilizer to be applied should be determined by soil analysis. Recommended nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with all you half the depth of 8-10 cm should be applied before planting. The remaining nitrogen should be given at the time the plant is 8-10 leaves. Sulphate as nitrogen fertilizer, which should be preferred.

Onions leveled parcel 1:20 and 1.50 inches wide board is divided into 5-10 meters in length. And planting will begin. Dry, the onions will be grown, the range will be planting distances: 15X20, 15X25, 10X25, 10X30 inches vary between. These distances, land force, the size of shallots, tubers vocation to growth, according to the soil conditions of care are set by each grower. More often, they did do some planting green onion in agriculture.

Left hand-held (container) received from avuçlanarak shallots are lightly sprinkled with immediately after holding three fingers where they are planted and regularly, the opened inserted into the line, by being buried in the soft earth started planting work. After finishing the job so whether to proceed planting, spread a layer of coarse manure on the surface of the board is very helpful.

-Field Şeklinde- largely agricultural cultivation in the onions, shallots that this business Serper is done in the form of individual plantings October- be easy and practical. This is true in terms of the-job kaçırma-.

Air to flow, soil germinate in 3-4 weeks, depending on the heat and start riding. The first to be held within 3 months of maintenance work,; making hay, breaking slider with CEPI, if the weather is going to dry and, if possible, irrigation as spoofing, if flowers shields, discarding torn with the hands of the flower stem, if necessary by making them dilution consists of the market to send jobs as green onions. Alone should not go much further in the onion irrigation. Because onions are fond of over watering. Onions grown on irrigated coarse meat, low odor and, most importantly, will burn-free. They rough onion, onion garden called. Held to, are not suitable for storage for the winter.

Onions are a bit more stronger, the call is made to fill lightly hoed and throat. Go to and linked, so the onions will be obtained in a dry, as was said in the above, avoided being given too much water. Because they are so juicy and fleshy tubers of rough and prevention, composed more resistant tubers.

3) be achieved with onion seedlings:

Seedling with onion production is the only form used in the production of summer onion production. Tunny our local varieties of onion, onion and bury our range such as tea are produced with onion seedlings. This is a pretty hefty head of our onion varieties. Tea and Immigration onion varieties begins in size until they reach 1 kg. Rough texture, crunchy and juicy. Safeguarding not come, they hung into bunches to extend the retention period. This onion varieties are poor in sulfur compounds. Therefore they have a sweet taste.

This is necessary to grow the seedlings before our kind. Just like that upbringing m2 15 g shallots to the pan until the seeds are planted in the spring as spreaders. Only my struggle against the dilution of the onion fly where the grass get too often and is expected to progress without any further action. Seedling planting Agrobarrier removed before planting is done in conjunction with a root watering days before the day of planting root structures to be planted on 0.5-.0.7 cm won the primary locations.

Field driven to exceed 20-25 cm depth. Fertilized in the same manner as other growing, and at a depth of 15-20 cm by 30 cm furrow opened. Water to the furrow is given water yet furrow inside the furrow on both sides of 12-15 cm row by giving them the distance, before planting prepared seedlings finger root out the point carefully to be under 23 cm of soil for planting in the leaves before my dikilirler.diki pruning, etc. any such action is taken. The ends of the stem is cut just long, which makes it easier to do now. 10-15 days after planting is done in diameter. Later, irrigation, weed and take any action is taken outside of combat. They watered several times in the development cycle. Plants grow rapidly, forming a large amount of sheets before. Onion formation starts after the formation of the sheet. Normal size for winning onion varieties irrigation is stopped. Closing the life cycle of plants is provided and dismantling is reached.

Onions made into disassembled and stored by hanging or cluster they are now marketed.

Onion Harvest:

The determination of the harvest time, for most practical purposes, to be two-thirds of the dried aerial parts of the plants and 80% of the plant in the field to understand the reach this state. The harvest is done by hand in small production. In large enterprises, are utilized machines have been developed for this purpose. Harvested or dried onions or field in the drying chamber. The onions are dried for 3-4 days in the field on the shade drying process is continued here. Drying rooms, stack height should not exceed 30 cm and should be aired frequently....

Tohuma kalkan soğanlar
The first method is applied as between 10-15 cm in the second year if the onions. 100 cm in the row. distance off as planted. Onion seed heads on them are located close to the seed stalks to 1 meter data. If the onions are sown the previous year Uygul second method, diluted in accordance with the above measure.

Çiçeklenen bir soğan başı
There is a general belief that gave more large onion seeds.
Summer bulbs should be carefully monitored in the middle. Black seeds in the seed head appears, cut stems should be collected under the head. All seeds need to make this process many times to be maturing at the same time. Then allowed to dry starts. Olunun heads are sure it is completely dry by rubbing the seeds are separated each other. Coarse debris removed. To get rid of the trash is thrown into a container filled with fine selected depending on the amount of water the seeds. Mature seeds are ground, taken supernatant dirt, seeds are stored and dried again.

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